Typical products

The territory of Marmilla is involved in the production of many “typical products”; this definition has a transversal value meaning, indicating:

PDOs and PGIs products

Controlled designation of origin and geographical indications are assigned to agricultural and food products which, for their qualitative peculiarity, are tightly tied to their places of production, where they have their historic and cultural roots. In Marmilla it is possible to produce the following PDOs and PGIs products:

DOC and IGT wines

DOC wines that can be produced in the LAG area territory:

IGT wines that can be produced in the LAG area territory:

Traditional products

The expression “traditional products” includes agricultural and food products whose processing, preservation and seasoning methods are well-established in the course of the time, homogeneous within the involved territory, according to traditional rules, for at least twenty-five years of time. 

Soft drinks, distillates and liquors

Fresh meat (and pluck) e their preparations



Vegetable products in their natural state or processed 

Fresh pastas and bakery, confectionery and pastry products

Preparations and particular farming technics of fishes, molluscs and crustaceans

Products of Animal Origin (honey, various dairy produces except butter) 

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