ultimo aggiornamento: 15 maggio 2015

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Mappa MarmillaThe Marmilla LAG territory is composed of 44 neighbouring Municipalities, straddling the provinces of Oristano and of the Middle Campidano. In recent years the area has already been a target of the Leader II as well as of the Leader + program.     

The LDP strategy drives at the pursuit of its general objective, that is: “to reinforce the LAG area identity and to intensify its power of attraction as a place in which to reside, produce and tour”.

The strategy foresees four specific goals: Enhancement of the rural landscape, Increase of the entrepreneurial fabric, Development of the tourism sector, Valorisation of the identity-making capital. 

The LDP has been organized in “Azioni di sistema” (system Actions) which serve to realize cross integration between the interventions and network Models, which the LAG is going to activate in the territory. Two system Actions directed by the LAG have been programmed: territory evolution forms and territorial Marketing.

The LAG, with the intent of sensitizing the new generations and boosting awareness and attention for their traditions, has adhered to “Medieterranea” and "Giovani e sviluppo rurale" transnational cooperation projects. These two projects are addressed to primary and middle school pupils. They allow the boys to avail themselves of the contact and exchange of experiences with different territories outside the island of Sardinia.


Parte Montis: Gonnostramatza - Masullas - Mogoro - Pompu - Siris

Parte Montis: Gonnostramatza - Masullas - Mogoro - Pompu - Siris