

ultimo aggiornamento: 16 maggio 2015

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Sindaco: Italo Carruciu (dal 01/06/2010)
Abitanti: 1.799 (statistiche ISTAT 2011)
Posizione: 39°38'56" N - 08°54'0" E
Altitudine s.l.m.: 180 m
Superfice: 20,60 kmq
Codice Istat: 92035
Codice Catastale: E742
Cap: 09022
Patrono: San Giovanni Battista (24 Giugno)

Lunamatrona stands in the internal plain of Marmilla, crossed by the Flumini Mannu (river), surrounded by Gesturi and Siddi Giaras and Trexenta hills.

Lunamatrona name is thought to come from Latin "Juno Matrona", in honour of the goddess Juno, as long ago it stood nearby a large temple dedicated to her. The area is rich in important evidence going back to Prenuraghic and Nuraghic epochs, like Pitzu Cummu nuragh, the giants’ tombs of Su Cuaddu de Nixas and Trobas proto-nuragh.

Among the main popular traditions of Lunamatrona there are the celebrations in honour of St. John the Baptist, patron saint of the village, which take place every year the 24th of June. During the feast, there are folkloristic performances, sport matches and art and local craft exhibitions.

During the first Sunday of September there takes place the Lunamatrona produce” festival, dedicated to selling and tasting of traditional products of the place, such as dry farmed melon, chickpea and malvasia. The very typical “Festival of little broad beans and snails” (Is sitzigorreddus) takes place the 21st of May. The feast includes traditional Sardinian games of the fifties: regional tournaments of "a bicoccai cun sa badrunfa" (a wood top spat by a string) and "su tirollasticu" (to shoot with a sling).  

Lunamatrona naturalistic and archaeological sights belong to "Sa corona arrubia" Consortium, which was born as an association of four municipalities (Collinas, Lunamatrona, Siddi e Villanovaforru), joined later on by other municipalities. The Consortium’s name has roots in the basaltic rocks, covered with red colored lichen, indicating Siddi tableland extension.

Municipality web site: