Villa Sant'Antonio
Villa Sant’Antonio
ultimo aggiornamento: 16 maggio 2015
Sindaco: Antonello Passiu (dal 31/05/2010)
Abitanti: 394 (statistiche ISTAT 2011)
Posizione: 42°55'60" N - 13°04'60" E
Altitudine s.l.m.: 249 m
Superfice: 19,10 kmq
Codice Istat: 095048
Codice Catastale: I298
Cap: 09080
Patrono: Sant’Antonio (17 Gennaio)
The municipality of Villa Sant’Antonio is situated among the Giara, Mount Arci and Mount Grighine, in a territory rich in hills and fresh sources, clad in lush Mediterranean scrub, typical of Sardinia.
The presence of man in the area since antiquity is documented by many Prehistoric, Proto-historic and Roman period evidence: particularly well known are the Domus de Janas and menhirs located in the village outskirts.
Villa Sant'Antonio proposes an interesting path in the proto-history of Sardinia. A Prenuraghic village, nuraghs, menhirs and Domus de Janas create a timeless aura, where visitors can dive into in search of the remotest roots of Sardinia.
The territory of Villa Sant’Antonio was densely populated since antiquity, as is proved by many menhirs dotting the village outskirts, such as Mount Corru Tondu menhir (considered to be the highest one ever found in Sardinia) or the Domus de Janas, also said “fairy houses” (typical graves of the Ozieri culture, reutilized in the course of time as livestock lodging, today promotes as a cultural pole organizing temporary exhibitions and installations).
Nearby a long plateau situated on Mount Padrillonis it is possible to visit a Prenuraghic settlement, which came to light in 1983 as a result of the fire of the wood which covered it. In Villa Sant’Antonio there are also about ten Nuraghic epoch finds, such as Spei Nuragh, probably the oldest one.
Today Villa Sant’Antonio is part of Sa Perda Iddocca consortium, comprehending other close villages, aiming to valorise and promote the territorial historical, artistic and naturalistic resources.
Municipality web site: